Steven Colborne

Eclecticist in London

Steven Colborne

Eclecticist in London

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My name is Steven Nicholas Colborne. I’m an eclecticist, which essentially means I have a wide variety of interests, talents and passions and do a lot of different things. I live in London.

Through a spiritual journey that has involved immersive explorations of major world religions and philosophical traditions, I have become well versed in the philosophies of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

As a teenager I worked in a music shop and formed a heavy metal band named Marconi’s Voodoo, who became well established in the UK. I graduated with a first-class BA (Hons) degree in Commercial Music from the University of Westminster in 2003, and went on to work for the Beggars Group in an Online Promotion role. I subsequently worked as New Media Marketing Manager for a music industry digital marketing agency called Motion Group.

I returned to study in 2010, graduating with a postgraduate certificate in Philosophy and Religion from the University of London in 2012. I went on to write sixteen books in the Philosophical Theology genre.

My stint as a Street Fundraiser for Greenpeace taught me about climate and energy issues, and working as Office Administrator for Age UK Oxfordshire taught me about the experiences of older people. In my role as Befriending Coordinator at Imagine Independence I developed a volunteer training program and a befriending service for people with mental health issues.

I have undertaken voluntary work for three charities: Crisis, Spires and Sue Ryder.

I suffered a series of admissions to psychiatric hospital between 2007 and 2024, surviving a suicide attempt in 2022, and have undergone counselling and psychotherapy numerous times, all of which led me to become a fully qualified counsellor.

I currently run an eclecticlon called Tealight Ministries, which is the name for my musical, authorly, counselling, blogging, video making and other work.

I consider all that I do to be an expression of my calling as a follower of Jesus Christ.

  • Work
    • Tealight Ministries
  • Education
    • University of London
    • University of Westminster
    • Larkmead School
    • St Nicholas School
Steven's approachable, articulate writing style compliments his thought-provoking discussions and invites deep conversation, which he facilitates without judgement.
April Shipton, Musician
It is stimulating to engage the author’s arguments and their implications as he is very well read and articulate.
David Lorimer, Magazine Editor
Steven was a very accommodating music PR to work with. He made setting up reviews and interviews a pleasure rather than a chore. I can't recommend him enough.
Matthew Hirtes, Journalist
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